Timesheets system settings

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Application-wide (Shared) Features. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Features & Settings > Application-wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Timesheets
To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
NOTE For system settings to take effect, users must log out and back in.
NOTE Timesheets can be configured to start and end on any day of the week. Timesheets can be set to track time on a 7-day, 14-day, or semi-monthly schedule. Please contact support to configure these options. Refer to Kaseya Helpdesk.

This system setting, if enabled, allows users to create time entries that span two days, e.g., 1/1/2022 11:00 PM -1/2/2022 1:00 PM. This will affect task and ticket time entry forms.
If this system setting in disabled, the example given above would require the creation of two time entries.
The start date on the time entry will be used for billing, resource utilization, and revenue recognition.

This system setting, if enabled, allows resources to select any role they are associated with in any department or queue when they are entering time on a project task.
If the system setting is disabled, resources assigned to the task as a primary or secondary resource can enter time using their assigned role only. If the resource is not directly assigned to the task but is instead a member of the department assigned to the task, they can use any role they are associated with in that department. Refer to Complete the Associations tab.

This system setting sets the starting day for Weekly and Bi-weekly Time Off accrual periods. From the drop-down list, choose a day of the week and save.
The weekly accrual period runs from the selected day of the week to the day prior to that day. A bi-weekly period is two weekly accrual periods.
If you change the Start day and doing so will result in having to recalculate time off for one or more resources and there are multiple accrual-type Policies that have weekly and bi-weekly accrual periods, a message will indicate the need to recalculate "tier accrual rates" and "resource accrued time." If you select Yes, Autotask will recalculate these from the time that they were associated with the setting through the end of next year.
NOTE The only way to undo this is to reset the Start day to its original value.

Select this check box if you want your users' ticket labor entries to be displayed on their timesheets, in addition to the Project task time and Internal Time that display automatically.

Select this check box if you are enabling rounding of project task or ticket time entries, but want to round up the billing time only, not the time applied to the resource's timesheet. In some states, you are required to track the exact time worked, and need to enable this setting.

If your company grants one or more types of paid time off, check all applicable boxes to display the selected options on the:
- My Time Summary that appears in Left Navigation Menu > Home > My > Timesheets > Time Summary
- New Policy and Edit Policy pages that are accessed from Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Time Off Policies
- Additional Time area on the HR tab of the Resource Management page when creating or editing resources in Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Organization Settings & Users > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users (HR) > Resources/Users
IMPORTANT The different categories of paid time off can be renamed on the Billing Codes > Internal Time page. The new labels will appear throughout Autotask, so your time off categories may have different names.
Use the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Finance, Accounting & Invoicing > Billing Codes > Internal Time tab to specify whether this Internal Time Code option will display in the Regular Time or Time Off Requests drop-down lists. For more information, refer to Internal time codes.

This setting defines the duration of your company's standard workday. It is used to specify the number of hours used by a one day holiday in timesheet and resource availability calculations in the report Resource Utilization Baseline Detail (refer to Reports on project resource utilization), the Personal Time & Vacation Requests by Resource report, and in widgets using the Out of Office entity. It defaults to 8 hours. To change the default, delete the 8 and enter the correct number.

This setting defines the number of hours in your company's standard work week. It specifies the number of hours used by one work week in timesheet and resource availability calculations in the report "Time Compliance by Department" (refer to Reports about timesheets) and the report "Project Financials against Budget" (refer to Reports on project financials and profitability). It defaults to 40. To change the default, delete the 40 and enter the correct number.

By default, users can add, edit, and delete only their own time entries. Your Autotask administrator can enable timesheet approvers, or both timesheet approvers and administrators, to enter time and submit time off requests on other users' behalf. For users who have proxy time entry permission, the Proxy Time Entry section and the Resource selector field will appear on all time entry pages, so they can create a time entry for another user. They can also view users' unsubmitted timesheets.
Proxy time entry is enabled through a system setting. Refer to Proxy time entry.
IMPORTANT To enter time, approvers must have permission to view the tasks and tickets in question.
- Timesheet approvers will only ever be able to enter time for other users they are the approver for, and on tasks and tickets the resource is already assigned to.
- Administrators can enter proxy time for all resources, and on any task or ticket. Admin access to either Resources/Users (HR), Service Desk (Tickets) (for ticket time entry) or Projects & Tasks (for entering time on tasks) is required. Refer to Admin security settings.
Administrators and approvers can:
- Edit and delete time entries they added on someone's behalf.
- Edit time entries the user created, as long as the timesheet has not been submitted.
- Delete time entries they themselves created on a user's behalf.
They cannot:
- Delete time entries created by a user.
- Edit time entries created by a user and submitted on a timesheet.
The following options are available:
- Enabled for Timesheet Approvers: Select this option if you only want timesheet approvers to be able to add, edit, or delete time entries or time off requests they have added for resources for whom they are a timesheet approver.
- Enabled for Timesheet Approvers and Administrators: Select this option to allow both timesheet approvers and administrators to be able to add, edit, or delete time entries or time off requests they have added for resources.

This setting determines how a resource's "performance against goal" value is calculated for dashboard widgets and the Resource Utilization Report.
- When this setting is disabled, the "performance against goal" value for a resource is the percentage of client billable hours per billable hours goal. A resource's billable hours goal is set on the HR tab of the Resource Management page.
- When this system setting is enabled, the "performance against goal" value is the percentage of client billable hours per adjusted billable hours goal (adjusted billable hours goal = billable hours goal - time entered as paid time off).
The billable hours goal is adjusted by the system time off categories, for example, Vacation, Personal, Sick Time, or Flexible, plus any non-system internal time codes where "display in time off requests" = true.
NOTE The system time off categories can be renamed on the Billing Codes > Internal Time page, so your category names may be different from the examples above. Refer to Internal time codes.

Select the box to require users to enter Summary Notes when they enter regular time. If the box is not selected, the Summary Notes field is optional.

To round time entries for Project Tasks up to the nearest specified number of minutes, enter the number of minutes.
NOTE This system wide setting can be overridden by a ticket's associated category. Refer to the task category General tab, Time entry rounding.

To round time entries on tickets up to the nearest specified number of minutes, enter the number of minutes.
NOTE Project Time Entries will be rounded even when they are entered in decimal time.
NOTE This system wide setting can be overridden by a ticket's associated category. Refer to the ticket category General tab, Time entry rounding.

Autotask Administrators can customize the message that will display when a resource submits a timesheet.