Expense Report system settings

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Application-wide (Shared) Features. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Features & Settings > Application-wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Expense Reports
To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
NOTE For system settings to take effect, users must log out and back in.

By default, expenses use the general ledger account associated with their assigned expense category.
When this system setting is enabled, a work type selector becomes available on the New/Edit Expense page. You can select a work type from a menu and, in the invoice export to XML, the general ledger account from the selected work type will replace the general ledger account code from the expense category.

QuickBooks requires all of a resource's expense reports to be in the resource's reimbursement currency. It also does not allow a resource's reimbursement currency to be changed.
When the check box for this setting is selected, the Reimbursement Currency field will be disabled on both the New Expense Report page and the New/Edit Expense page. It will still default to the resource's own reimbursement currency, so expense reports created by a resource will always be set to their chosen currency.
In addition, the Expense Reimbursement Currency field will be disabled on the Edit Resource page when the check box for this setting is selected and the user is editing an existing resource. It will still be editable when the user is creating a new resource.