Entity History
About History pages
[Entity] History pages track the date and time of the change, the action and field that was changed, the Changed from and Changed to values, and the resource who initiated the change. This includes changes made directly on the ticket, through workflow rules, or by the API or an API User.
IMPORTANT Entity history pages report changes made to the fields on an entity. They do not report on the setting of the initial values of those fields when the entity is first created.
NOTE If changes are made to multi-select Organization UDFs, each change to a line item will create a separate record on the Organization History page. On the Ticket entity, changing a multi-select UDF is tracked as a ticket edit only.
Fields and options
The following fields and options appear on entity history pages:
Click the Refresh button at the top of the page to load the changes that may have taken place after you opened this page. |
Click the Export button at the top of the page to export the list as displayed in a .csv file format. |
Close |
Click to close the History page. |
Field |
To filter by changes made to a specific field, click the Field drop-down menu and select the field you want to display the changes for. |
Action performed by |
To filter by changes made by a particular resource, click the drop-down menu of the Action Performed By field and select a resource. |
Sort the table |
Click a column heading once to sort the table in ascending order. Click it again the sort in descending order. |
(Devices, articles, and documents only) |
Click this button to toggle between History and Version History view. |
About last edits, last activities, and versions
Last edit, last activity, and version are not the same thing.
- Any change to a field on the entity itself is considered an edit. For a number of entities, the details of edits are tracked on a separate [Entity] History page. Refer to Entity History.
EXAMPLE Updating the ticket status from New to In Progress is a ticket edit.
- A change to a linked dependent entity is considered an activity on the entity. Certain activities on specific dependent entities will update the Last Activity date field. No additional data is tracked. The Last Activity field is exposed in a variety of ways. Refer to Entity History.
EXAMPLE Adding a note to a ticket is an activity on the ticket.
- Adding and editing the base entity will also update the Last Activity date, so all edits are activities, but the reverse is not true.
- Devices, Knowledge Base articles, and documents not only track changes to individual fields but also keep track of versions. A version is a group of edits that were saved at the same time. Refer to Managing article and document versions.