Adding PageConnect/XPPS base services to a contract
To bill a customer for the recurring Base Service for all PageConnect/XPPS printers, you will set up a recurring service contract for the customer, and add the fixed monthly charges for each printer model or each Cost/Price variation to the contract as either a Service or a Service Bundle.
To add the Services and/or Service Bundles used for billing the PageConnect/XPPS Base Service/Supply, do the following:
- On the PageConnect/XPPS Recurring Service contract menu, click the Services tab. The Services and Service Bundles page opens.
- Click New Service Bundle or New Service, depending on whether you set up the Base Service/Supply as a Service or a Bundle, and select all services (bundles) you will need for billing this customer. Click Save & Close to add the services or bundles to the contract.
For information on adding Services and Bundles to a contract, refer to Page 5: Select services and bundles (Recurring Service contract only).