If your tickets or tasks are assigned to co-managing users (internal IT or contractors), or internal security is a bigger concern, you have the option to tie a security level to a specific ticket category. All tickets a user with this security level will be viewing is then displayed or rendered as this category, no matter what the actual ticket category happens to be.
To take advantage of this feature, you would develop your ticket categories in tandem with your security levels.
- Each security level would have a corresponding ticket category that would expose all fields and options users with this level would ever have occasion to touch.
- Rarely used fields could be put into a section that can mostly stay collapsed.
- Fields that users with this security level cannot view or edit would be hidden.
In this scenario, all tickets would be assigned your Standard ticket category, and it wouldn't change. But each security level would see the ticket through a custom lens, with different fields and options exposed.
There are a couple of caveats:
IMPORTANT Users with these security levels would not be able to change their viewing category, should this ever become necessary.
IMPORTANT At the same time, the display category is not a security feature, because on lists and tables, additional fields might be exposed.