Adding and Editing Boards
For more general information about boards, refer to About Boards.
IMPORTANT If you do not see the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Service Desk (Tickets) > Boards option, you will need to edit your security level to include Can add/edit boards permission. Refer to Board Permissions.
On this page, you can configure a board.
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New to open the New Board page.
- Complete the following sections. When done, click Save or Save & Close.
- Values in the dataset
- Values in the dataset, plus the following values
- All the values
- Only display if needed
- Always display as first column
- Always display as last column
Fields | Description |
General | |
Name * | Enter a Name for the board. Consider including the names of the fields used in the rows and columns. For example, the board name could be "By Priority and Primary Resource" when the columns are Priority and the rows are Primary Resource. The name field can have up to 100 characters. |
Active | Select the Active check box to make the board available for use. If you are not yet finished building the board, you can leave it as inactive until it is ready for use. |
Card Layout | Select the card layout you want applied to the board. Refer to Adding and editing card layouts. |
Columns and Rows |
Base my columns/rows on... | Select the fields to use for the column and rows in the Base my columns on ... selector and in the Base my rows on ... selector. For example, to build the "By Priority and Primary Resource" board described above, in Base my columns on ... you would select Priority, and in Base my rows on ... you would select Primary Resource. Depending on the fields selected, the columns and rows will either appear in alphabetical order or in the order set on the field's admin page. For example, the display order for ticket statuses is managed on the Task & Ticket Status admin page and the display order for ticket priorities is managed on the Task & Ticket Priorities admin page. For more information on managing ticket fields and links to the appropriate help topics, refer to ADMIN: Configuring ticket settings. NOTE Some field names are followed by (View only). These fields can be viewed on the board, but users will not be able to move cards in and out of the row or column they appear in. Typically, that is because the field is not editable (for example, the Create Date of a ticket), or because changing that field would impact other data (for example, the selected contract). |
Display columns/rows for... |
Depending on the field selected as the base for the columns or rows, you may have one or more of the following values to choose from in this field: By default, the board will display a column or row for each value in the board's dataset. The dataset is all the tickets in the widget or table that the board is being applied to. For example, if the drill-in table had five tickets and there were three different primary resources assigned to those tickets, those three primary resources would be the values in the dataset. To display columns or rows for additional specified values, select Values in the dataset, plus the following values. To display columns or rows for all the values available for a field, select All the values. EXAMPLE If you always want to have a certain senior technician available in a column on the board to assign tickets to, select Values in the dataset, plus the following values and include the senior technician's name as an additional value. Then, even if the senior technician is not a primary resource on any of the tickets included in the board, the senior technician's name will appear in one of the columns on the board and can be assigned tickets. EXAMPLE If you want all the priorities to appear as rows in your board, select the All the values option. Then, even if there are no tickets for some of your priorities, all the priorities will appear and any ticket can be dragged to one of those rows to be assigned that priority. |
Other Values |
This field will appear if Values in the dataset, plus those specified below is selected as a display option. Select the appropriate values. NOTE To appear in the selector, a resource must have a role assigned to them in their resource setup. Refer to Complete the Associations tab. |
"None" Column / Row (for cards where field does not have a value) |
If the field used as the base for the columns or rows is not a required field on tickets, it is possible for it to have no value. In that case, you can control how to handle the display for rows or columns where that field is empty by choosing from the following options: Only display if needed means the column or row would only appear if a ticket in the dataset has no value for the base field of that column or row. If all the tickets in the dataset have a value in that field, there will be no "None" column or row. You may want to have a "None" column or row to move tickets into. In that case, choose one of the Always display options. Moving a ticket to that row or column will clear the value from that field. NOTE If the field used in the column or row is a required one that will never be empty, this selector is not available. |
Column / Row Totals |
You can choose to display the totals of a ticket value or to not display any value at all. The list you select from includes all numeric user-defined fields. The total will appear under the field value in the headers of the columns or rows. |
Show card counts in columns/rows | Select this option to include the total number of cards in the headers of the columns or rows. The value will appear in parenthesis to the right of the field value. |
"On Deck" Section |
Display "On Deck" Section |
Select this option to have the On Deck section appear on the board. The On Deck section contains the first ten tickets that are not part of the board's original dataset. IMPORTANT The On Deck section will only appear for resources who have a security level with Can move cards on boards permissions. |
On Deck Display Name |
This name will appear above the On Deck section. If left blank, it will be titled On Deck. NOTE Consider using a name that reflects the filtered list. For example, if you filter for tickets with no primary resource, you could use Unassigned as the section name, so it is clear to the user that the tickets in the On Deck section do not have an assigned resource. |
Default Filter 1 - 10 |
Select the appropriate filters. If no filters are selected, all tickets in your Autotask instance are eligible to appear in this section. Only the first ten tickets will appear, following the sort order selected below. EXAMPLE You can use a filter of Status Not Equal to "Complete" to exclude completed tickets. NOTE Think carefully about how resources will use the board and select the appropriate filters. If no filters are applied, the On Deck section will pull from all tickets in your Autotask instance. Users are free to apply their own filters when they are using the board, but those filters are not saved with the board. |
Sort cards within On Deck Section by... |
Select a field to use for sorting the filtered On Deck section tickets. Only the first ten tickets in that sort order will appear in the section at any one time. |
Sort method |
Select Ascending or Descending. |
- When you return to the list of boards, your new board will appear at the bottom of the list. To move it to a different location on the list, click the left-most edge of the table and drag it to the desired location.
NOTE Once configured, a board can be assigned as a default for any widget. For more information on these settings, refer to Board settings (all widget types).